Monday 2 May 2011


Welcome everyone to the 2011 Western Front Field School Blog. The time for departure is approaching and I am sure that everyone is excited. I certainly am.

Who are we? Well of course, we all know Stephen Davies. He is our fearless leader and has tirelessly organized, planned and crafted a learning experience that is sure to leave us all wondering how we are to ever return to a conventional classroom. Elizabeth Jones (aka "me" or "I"), is the trusty sidekick, tasked with getting everyone up, up and away. I am always happy to help and am committed to doing whatever I can to ensure that everyone is well supported. I also happen to have spent most of my university education in Stephen's classes, engrossed in WWI history.

We hope this blog will be a way in which we can remain connected to our families, friends and the larger University community. While it is certainly an educational trip, the posts will hopefully reflect the greater cultural experiences that we have. For me personally, I feel that while I may have an understanding of the events and the cultural and social implications of the war from studying it, I think that standing on the same ground where history actually happened will have a profound effect upon me. It is this reaction to the places and activities that I look forward to most and I am sure it will be shared by everyone.

We are packed, pre-read, prepared! Don't forget your passport, your toothbrush and your reading materials! It will be a trip of a lifetime and will certainly leave us with more knowledge about the war, each other and ourselves.

Stephen and Elizabeth

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