Sunday 15 May 2011

Ode to Julien

I would like to take this opportunity to pay homage to our bus driver, Julien. Acting as part guide, part chauffeur and part beer connoisseur, Julien has introduced us to Belgium with a charming, understated style. Our introduction to this wonderful man began when he picked up a group of very weary travellers from the airport. We were greeted with fresh bottles of water (as we are every morning) and individual cups full of assorted Belgium chocolates. Each set of seats had a package containing an introduction to Belgium - Julien style, full of interesting facts and funny insights into Belgian culture. Not only is Julien a snappy dresser, but he has been kind to us and patient with our shenanigans.
Julien has a wife and family with one daughter still at home, which he left for two weeks to drive us around Belgium and France. He joins us for dinner, and shares his knowledge of local beers generously. He translates for us when needed, visits the cemeteries and memeorials with us, and in general is an important and wonderful addition to our field school. I think that almost every student has a Julien story by now.
What we all appreciate most about Julien is his expert and clam navigation of the sometimes daunting streets. We have driven up rough, one lane farming roads, busy city streets, construction zones, and narrow cobbled streets of the sort that can only be found in Europe. We have parked on precarious roadsides and backed into tight parking spots. All of this he does in a large purple bus full of rowdy, loud students. Julien manages all of this with a calm, modest air. Nothing seems to faze him. When we compliment him or tease him he just laughs and shakes his head.
The other day we stopped on a VERY narrow farmer’s road to view the site of the famous Christmas truce. With hardly enough space to turn a Volkswagen Jetta, Julien managed to turn the bus around in two simple moves. We were all so impressed with his driving that we broke into a spontaneous round of applause. Julien just shook his head and said "The bus did it."
So this is my ode to Julien, the best bus driver and Belgian beer connoisseur I've ever met.

Posted by Jen Fink on May 11, 2011

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