Wednesday 25 May 2011

Au Revoir

On May 6th we met most for the first time, but even though we started to get along with each other real well and by the time that we arrived in Ypres Belgium. We had already become friends. throughout our journey our bonds got stronger that we can joke around with each other and trust each other. As we celebrated our every step in our adventure we got nauseous by how much fun we were all having together. As we moved on to different cities groups started to form among our group of 24. But even though we were all having fun and learning a lot from our trip, we visited many cemeteries and it did not matter whether it was a german site, we were still respectful and honored their sacrifice. We enjoyed many meals with one another and not once did someone hesitate to share his/her food to someone. We started calling each other with nicknames, for example Patrick - "Patricia", Michael - "walking engine of chaos" and of course me "@$c%ing Steve". We went shopping together and spent our hard earned cash, some more than the other, we shared money to people who needed it. We enjoyed the company of our beloved bus driver Julian and he shared his culture with us. At some point it seemed that the bonds that we have sown was starting to wither but if you were there to see us on our last night in Paris, you would have thought we were the best of friends. It's sad to say goodbye but all good things must come to an end, but it's alright because the memories that we shared with one another will last a lifetime.

An applause for Stephen and Elizabeth for providing us with opportunity to create and share memories with one another. Thank you for doing what you guys did and with out you both, we would have never seen the western front the way that we did. Hoping for a WW2 western front field school or the pacific front.

Au Revoir

post by Stephen Rizada

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