Monday 23 May 2011

Our General

After coming up with the totally unique idea of writing a blog about our last day, I was totally shocked to see that others have already blogged about it.


As for my post, I'd like to blog about the leadership of this trip.

Its incredible the sites we've seen, and the things we've done. Yet realistically, Stephen put long hours into preparing this trip for us. Not only has his leadership been strong as he prepared all of us students for an experience of a lifetime, but it continued on the trip. Stephen has put up with whining and complaining from everyone at some point or another (even if it wasn't verbalized) yet he pushes onwards and makes our experience the best it can be. Even when things don't go according to plan and our trip to Versailles is cancelled, thinking on his feet, Stephen puts together an amazing walking tour of the French Quarter.

Then we have Elizabeth. Elizabeth took on the nightmarish job of hearing our complaints day in and day out. She also played the mediator and kept the rising drama on this trip at bay. For me, Elizabeth's role on this trip made the entire experience a much happier experience.

With two great examples of leaders, it really gives us an example of what a great teacher is capable of. It gives those aspiring teachers a place to look up to, a mark to shoot for.

After nearly 3 weeks of travelling Europe, I can truly say how grateful I am to have such awesome leaders. We couldn't have done this without them, and they went above and beyond the call of duty.

In my books, they deserve VCs.

-Michael Cantwell

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