Wednesday 11 May 2011

The City of Ypres.

        As we entered into Ypres, it was obvious that this city is revolved around World War I. The entrance to this Belgium city is Meningate, which is a magnificent and moving monument that is engraved with soldiers who have fallen, but were never identified. Poppies, or replica poppies, are scattered through out the city. Ypres, being in the flanders area of Belgium, it is obvious that the city is positively overwhelmed with rememberance of the war. History in general is beautifully preserved in this city to its fullest extent. Statues and monuments can be found around the city, and around the surrounding areas. But, what I ask is, can you over-embrace the war to a point where it is disrespectful?

Ypres was a major city in Germany's path to conquer Western Europe. The history of the Great War has been engraved into the culture and society of Ypres. It makes sense then for the tourism industry to focus on the war. There are tours that see the surrounding gravesites and battlegrounds. But honestly, it is fair to say that some local Ypres buisnesses have taken this to far. Local resturaunts and shops use the poppy or war related titles to market their small buisnesses. Is it necassarry to have a resturaunt called " Poppy Pizzeria and Steak House," or to have a souvenir and smoke shop called  "'Tommy's' Souvenir and Shop Shop." This is a War that has wiped out a generation of men, and for a resturaunt to use the war or a symbol, derived from the war to market consumers to eat at their establishment is completely disgusting. I would expect that local entrepreneurs would have more class and taste than that. This is a town that already respects the War and the individuals who parished during it. To me, these buisnesses should show more respect in this beautiful and historic city.
                                                     - Jordan Harris

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